Let your baby be your guide, and feed him as often as he wants to feed. There's no need to set up a breastfeeding routine during the first few days and weeks.
On the first day, your baby will probably feed at least three to four times. After the first sleepy day or two have passed, your baby may seem hungry most of the time. And he probably is, since he'll digest a feed within a couple of hours.
At this point, your baby will probably want to breastfeed at least eight times a day . Though he could feed a lot more than that, such as every hour or so . By the end of the first week, his feeds will probably have settled down to six to eight a day.
There's no maximum number of feeds a day when you're demand-feeding in the early days and weeks. The more your baby feeds, the more milk your breasts will be stimulated to produce .
It's normal for newborn babies to want to feed very frequently. If you meet your baby's demands by offering your breast, you'll produce more milk. Topping-up with formula during the first six weeks can reduce your milk supply, as your body won't get the signals from your baby feeding to make more milk.
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